- leaves with retrorse barbs. 有向下的倒钩的叶子。
- Pedicel 0.5--3 cm, slender, pubescent with retrorse hairs. 花梗0.;5-3厘米,细长,短柔毛有反折的毛。
- Bill is sweeping up the leaves with a broom. 比尔在用扫帚扫落叶。
- Gave out green leaves with morning dews impearled. 抽了芽、发出了绿叶,承受着。
- He leaves with a record of 39-6 with 30 knockouts. 他留下了创记录的39胜6败,30次击倒对手。
- Kim is in shock when her mother leaves with Eli. 看着母亲与伊菜离开,金姆感到震惊。
- The Hibiscus has leaves with edges like a saw. 大红花具有边缘像锯子的叶子。
- We have to pay on the nail before we can leave with the goods. 我们必须当场付款,才能拿走货物。
- The green leaves with red blooms are very pleasant to look at. 绿叶红花令人赏心悦目。
- Love enters with a tiptoe and leaves with the slamming of the door. 爱踮着脚尖鬼鬼祟祟进来,走的时候却是"砰!"关上了门。
- The wind swept along,carrying the dead leaves with it. 一阵风吹过,卷走了落叶。
- The wind swept along, carrying the dead leaves with it. 一阵风吹过,卷走了落叶。
- Used also in scalds by pounding fresh leaves with rice as poultice. 火烫伤可用鲜叶加米少许,捣烂外敷。
- Nobody can lift the heaviness that the sad news have leave with her. 谁也无法减轻这个坏消息给她带来的悲痛。
- Now that I've told you everything, I can leave with a clear conscience. 如今我已将一切都告诉了你,我可以问心无愧地走了。
- Herbs annual.Stems erect or decumbent, 50-100 cm tall, branched, angulate, with retrorse prickles along angles. 一年生草本茎直立或外倾,50-100厘米高,分枝,具棱,具反折的皮刺沿着棱。
- Your mother laid your egg on a delicious leaf. Grip the leaf with. 你的妈妈把你产在一片可口的叶子上,用你的腿牢牢地扒住叶子,然后吃掉它。
- What would it take for you to just leave with me? 你想要去追求什么使得你离开我?
- Relating to a pinnate leaf with two pairs of leaflets. 具二对小叶的,二对的与两对嫩叶的羽状叶有关的